

Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership is launching its new cycle safety campaign after receiving £550,000 funding to train thousands more young cyclists.

In 2015 over 4,660 young cyclists were trained in the basics of balance and control through to making journeys in traffic. All training takes place on the road, with a Bikeability instructor riding with the youngsters.

Now, the Road Safety Partnership (RSP) has been awarded £550,000 by the Department for Transport to help train over 17,000 young cyclists over the next three and a half years. Currently, the RSP works with 96 per cent of primary schools and 80 per cent of secondary schools across Gloucestershire and will be looking to do even more with the additional funding.

Gloucestershire RSP is committed to reducing the casualty figure of cyclists around the county. The partnership is aware that a lot of collisions that happen between cars and cyclists take place at junctions, which is why part of the training focuses on taking special care when at a junction to make sure cyclists get home safely.

Since 2005, the number of cyclists harmed has dropped from 216 to 130 in 2015, but the RSP want to see the number drop even further. June, July and September tend to be the worst months, with the hot weather and the start of the new academic year, which is why the RSP will continue to target young cyclists to make sure they are cycle savvy

The RSP is also continuing to work with drivers through the safe and social driving campaign, which promotes drivers being considerate of all road users, not just drivers. Approximately 75 per cent of all bicycle collisions with a vehicle are found to be the fault of the driver, and by reminding drivers to be even more considerate on their journeys, it is hoped that the figure will drop even further.

Cllr Nigel Moor, cabinet member for fire, planning and infrastructure, said: “Cycling is a fantastic way for people to get around, be social and stay fit. When you consider the benefits to health, and that it reduces pollution and congestion, more cycling would make a positive difference to individuals and communities as well as reducing the overall level of risk on our roads.

“We want every cyclist to know the best way to be safe when travelling and by working with young cyclists across the county, we hope to see a continued reduction in the number of people involved in collisions.”

For more information, please visit http://roadsafety-gloucestershire.org.uk.

Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk

Get cyclist savvy with safety campaign by Kate | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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