
Gloucester Folk Trail | 17th – 19th February 2023

Getting Started in Songwriting with Jim Rowley

Fancy yourself as the next Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell…?

Gloucester Songwriters’ Circle are delighted to be hosting an introduction to songwriting workshop at the Folk of Gloucester Museum at 1.00pm on Saturday February 18th 2023. Led by Jim Rowley and other members of the group, the session will look at: lyric writing; melody; chord progressions, and more – all the tools to get you started!

Though being run as part of the Gloucester Folk Trail the workshop will not be genre-specific: everyone welcome!

This will be a practical session with the aim of giving everyone something to go away with that they can continue to work on. Please bring pen and paper. If you have an instrument, this would also be useful (but by no means essential).

FREE! Please book a space

Please Book Here


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