‘Every school should sign up for this road safety lesson’ says PCC by Shaun Moore | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
Students in Gloucestershire will soon have the chance to experience a serious road accident without actually being involved. The aim is to keep them safe on the road when they get behind the wheel.??
The story of how Louis Turner and Adam James survived a catastrophic crash which almost killed them is the backdrop to a new, hard-hitting road safety film which is the basis of a roadshow, developed for schools by the Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership.
Audiences will not only be able to see exactly what happened to Louis and Adam, they will also explore the emotions and experiences of everyone involved before, during and after the life-changing incident. And they will hear from all three emergency services, hospital staff, family members of people who have lost their lives, drivers who have been prosecuted and people living with serious injury.
So far, 24 schools, colleges and training centres have booked to take part but Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Martin Surl, who financed the project as part of his drive for more safe and sociable driving, wants more.
He said, “I think every educational establishment in the county should give their students the chance to be involved in this. Years 12 & 13 are when many of them have either just learned to drive, are learning to drive or are thinking about it.
“Our research reinforces the need to provide preventative interventions for all these groups. It focuses on how young people behave when they are in a car and why they act as they do. The evidence pointed towards low awareness of the risks; inexperience and over-confidence; in-car distractions and issues around self-esteem. The roadshow will address those topics”.
Cllr Nigel Moor, cabinet member responsible for road safety at Gloucestershire County Council said, “I’d like to encourage schools and colleges to take advantage of this free training for their year 12 and 13 pupils. This is a great opportunity to see more young people better prepared to keep themselves safe on the roads.”
The ‘What if…..?’ roadshow aims to reach out to 16- 24 year olds who are most at risk of becoming a casualty from a road traffic collision. There are 23 dates between 26th September and 4th November at locations around the county.
Booking is on a first come, first served basis and more than half of the schools, colleges and training centres contacted have already booked.
The Roadshow is being offered free with transport included to all Year 12’s and 13’s in all of Gloucestershire’s educational and training settings.
EDF energy, Cheltenham Ladies College, The Forest Theatre and the Royal Agricultural University are providing venues free of charge. Stagecoach, Bennetts Coaches, Leanne’s Gift, Richard Read Transport and Exstoria Ltd are sponsoring other elements.
To reserve places for students from your school or college contact Sarah Laming or phone 01452 888720
Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk
‘Every school should sign up for this road safety lesson’ says PCC by Shaun Moore | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk