
Bus stops around Gloucester could become havens for bees, butterflies and other pollinators.

Gloucester City Councillors have unanimously backed calls to find places to place planters to improve the natural environment.

They also want to enter talks with Gloucestershire County Council over the possibility of creating small gardens on bus shelter roofs to help support the struggling insects.

These have been dubbed “bee bus stops” or “buzz stops” and they provide a much-needed haven for pollinators in the urban environment.

Councillor Sebastian Field (LD, Podsmead), who brought forward the motion to council meeting on July 13, said: “97 per cent of our wildflower meadows in this country have gone since the 1930s.

“As we lose our wildflower meadows, we lose our pollinators. If the bees go, they are taking us with them.

“We wouldn’t survive more than four years without pollinators. It’s a really crucial issue.”

He also said people can help pollinators by mowing the lawn as much or turning it into a pollinator friendly patch of flowers.

Cllr Field accepted a friendly amendment from the Conservative group.

Leader Richard Cook (C, Kingsway) said: “If you ever come to see my garden you’ll see it absolutely full of flowers attracting bees from all over Kingsway.

“Over the last year, we’ve seen the construction of a pocket park in Barton and Tredworth, the area with the least open space in the city.”

He said the council should not limit its ambition to “just placing a few planters”.

Councillors unanimously backed the proposals. The council has agreed to work with partners, city businesses, and residents’ groups, to pay for and maintain the planters once installed.

They will continue to seek and maintain wildflower sites and speak to Gloucestershire County Council and Stagecoach about installing ‘bee stops’ at some bus stops in the city while encourage other ideas to help pollinators.

By Carmelo Garcia – Local Democracy Reporter

Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk

Gloucester bus shelter roofs could be turned into gardens to create haven for city centre bees and butterflies by Marketing | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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