
Highlights for the Month

  • 1stCalled to attend to several very drunk individuals who were making a nuisance of themselves in the City, after explaining the issues to them they left the immediate area.
  • Called to remove a drunk male who was stood in the doorway of a store, male would not move and was being rude and swearing as people tried to pass by. Male was removed from the area and went into his accommodation.
  • Called to assist a store with three young teenagers, two girls and a boy who had been caught shoplifting. All goods have been retrieved and details taken.
  • 2ndCalled to assist with a person who was on the edge of Eastgate carpark wall, after talking with the female and the carers she came down and left the area.
  • Noticed a young girl who looked like she had been crying, on making enquiries found out that she needed help and support, all relevant agencies were called and they sorted her out with support and managed to get her home.
  • 3rd Called to assist with a female who was causing issues in store with staff. After speaking with both parties, the female left but was banned from the store in the future.
  • Attended to two different groups of youths, one group were on electric scooters who were riding through town amongst pedestrians, the group were advised to go elsewhere, second group which were causing issues at the bottom of Westgate street, these were also convinced to go somewhere more appropriate to play as they were causing ASB.
  • Called by CCTV to attend two males fighting on Southgate street, the fight had finished by the time CPOs arrived, but both males spoken with and the argument sorted out. They both left the area together.
  • 4th Called to assist with processing and identification of shoplifters. All information added to DISC.
  • Noticed two individuals who have a CBO and banning orders against them entering the City centre. Both reported as breaches on these orders and added to DISC and passed to the police.
  • Street link process completed for a new person found sleeping rough in Gloucester, all information passed to P3.
  • 5th Removed two individuals who were breaching a civil injunction not to be within the city centre. Details added to DISC and police informed.
  • Assisted a phone store who was having to deal with an aggressive male, acted as a go between, problem solved, and the male went home.
  • Assisted one of the pubs with the removal of a group of males, one of whom was already banned from the premises for causing issues. Left with no further issues.
  • 6th Called to assist a store with the removal of two drunk males, the store had refused entry and they had got aggressive. When spoken with they both had cans of beer open and were advised along with the crowd at St Lucy’s garden to put the beer away. The street drinkers did but the two lads got abusive, however left the area when directed to do so.
  • Concern for welfare as a vulnerable female was being approached by two women who are known to take advantage of people. Police CCTV informed and they guided two PCSOs to the female to have a word.
  • 7th A male was reported missing by a carer who had lost contact with the male. CCTV had tracked him going into the railway station. CPOs checked the area, but it seems the male had got onto a train. British Transport police informed.
  • Two female shoplifters were detained by a City safe store security. All goods were returned, and all details added to DISC.
  • Two very drunk young males causing issues in Long smiths Street were spoken with and advised strongly to move on, which they did.
  • 8th Two separate breaches reported for individuals who have city wide CBO and banning orders against them. Added to DISC and statements to police.
  • Tasked with the removal of a persistent and aggressive drunk and beggar from Southgate street, all information passed to the police.
  • Called to identify two shoplifters for City safe stores, one was a positive ID, the other is still unknown. All information is now on DISC.
  • Welfare and concern for an individual, male was given the correct agencies forward to assist him and get him of the street.
  • 9th Spent whole day looking for a missing person, who was later found by police.
  • Met and spoke with a known individual who was causing trouble and is a cause of concern, convinced him it was time for him to go home.
  • Removed a large group of teenagers who were using the top floor of car park as a personal playground, they were advised to leave the area due to safety concerns.
  • 10th Called to identify a male shoplifter who had stolen several bottles of alcohol, this person was not identified from CCTV, however, will be added as and ID sought on DISC.
  • Called to assist with the removal of a drunk lady who was refusing to leave, this lady had gone before CPOs arrived, but a check was made to pubs.
  • 11th Male reported and added to DISC for stealing from a City safe store police informed.
  • Attended outside on Southgate street, there was a fight between two males, one had stolen the others bike, police were called and the bike thief who is well known was arrested.
  • Reported and completed a written statement for a known individual who continues to breach his CBO.
  • Attended Eastgate car park due to reports of a person breaking car windows, a male was found in one of the stairwells covered in blood, first aid given, and an ambulance was called. Police called also.
  • 12th Drunks removed from public spaces around the city, they were being loud and rude towards passers-by.
  • Reported an individual who was in breach of a CBO who was shopping in a City safe store.
  • 13thRemoved a very drunk male from town centre, he was being rude and aggressive.
  • Reported a pair of individuals for breaching a CBO, they are repeatedly breaching by being in the centre of the city, police have received statements of all sightings.
  • 14th Called to assist with a shoplifter who was being difficult with the store security, this male was processed, a yellow card issued and added to DISC.
  • A Missing person located, and police informed of where he was, they then sent a team to speak with male.
  • 15th Shoplifter caught in a City safe store, the female was given a yellow card and added to DISC.
  • Assisting with issuing new City safe radios to stores.
  • 16th New radios issued to Quays and Peel centre stores.
  • Called to assist with two girls walking along the bridge link parapet, both girls spoken to and advised of the dangers.
  • Called to identify a shoplifter, this male was known to CPOs and all stores were warned he was in the area, all details added to DISC.
  • Spotted a female who has a City ban in a betting shop, she was removed from the town area and reported for the breach.
  • 17th Called to remove a drunk who was not responsive, concern for welfare, he needed a clean-up and food. He was directed to the church on Cromwell street and passed over to the City Mission group who were around at the time.
  • Called to Northgate street, a male had been found on a bench unconscious. A member of the public had already called for an ambulance, the male was woken up and checked over prior to the ambulance arrival, handed over to the paramedic when they turned up.
  • Called to attend a large group of teenagers in Greyfriars who had lit a BBQ, checked the group and the gathering was organised by Young Gloucester.
  • 18th Called to several people who were causing some concern to members of the public, all had been drinking and were sleeping it off on benches in public areas. All were checked by the CPOs and moved on, one needed P3 help which was then organised.
  • A group of youths were spoken to and dispersed after being rude to people in the City centre.
  • 19th. Sighted and reported two individuals who have breached a CBO not to enter the City.
  • Attended a first aid incident, a male has been found unconscious on Northgate street, on arrival the male has been put into the recovery position. Managed to wake the male who then came round very quickly, he is known to CPOs. Ambulance crew arrived and checked him over.
  • Requested by CCTV to check certain areas for a wanted male, this person had managed to evade police for the time being.
  • Called to attend the transport Hub as there was a fight in progress. Two street drinkers fighting, they were split up and removed from the area. No complaints made by either of them.
  • 20th Two well-known individuals who keep breaching their court ban have now been issued court papers by the police.
  • Male pretended to collapse, a member of the public had already called an ambulance, which turned up before it could be cancelled.
  • 21st Called to assist and identify over seven shoplifters throughout the day. Identification was possible on several and all details added to City safe, the others were added as an ID sought, police informed, and all crimes recorded.
  • Missing person alert was put out via the radio, female was later found safe and well.
  • 22nd Called to assist as two young ladies were caught shoplifting, also in possession of a small quantity of drugs. Police called also parents called to pick up their child.
  • Had to deal with a young male who has mental health issues and had been causing a lot of trouble around the City. Police informed and he was monitored by CCTV.
  • 23rd Removed two drunk males from the area of the transport hub causing issues.
  • Assisted during a false alarm activation in one of the shopping centres.
  • 24th Called to assist at the train station, welfare case for an older Gentleman, required help. Police informed and took over this incident.
  • Removed a couple from public toilets who were taking drugs.
  • Called to a male causing issues in town, frequent offender. PCSOs called who issued a section 35 order for him to leave town.
  • 25th Assisted police with a known male who was found sat on the edge of a carpark wall.
  • Searched throughout the afternoon for a male who had assaulted a female officer.
  • 26th Reported a site on Eastgate street where a shop has been dumping their non household rubbish onto the street.
  • 27th Assisted a female in distress, due to the nature of the issues a police team were called and took over this incident.
  • Called to a city safe store that was being targeted by a large family who were attempting to steal, all goods retrieved, and persons removed from the store.
  • 28th Removed several street drinkers from the transport hub.
  • Reported a female who was so intoxicated she exposed herself to the stagecoach staff and members of public. Police arrived and dealt with her.
  • 29th Returned lost property as it was a local address.
  • Assisted the City council with talking to and handing out removal notices to members of the travelling community.
  • 30th Monitored and passed on a vulnerable individual to CCTV to monitor.
  • Assisted an environmental officer with a very awkward individual who had deliberately dropped a cigarette butt on the floor in front of him, then refused to give his name. Body worn footage of this male passed to relevant agencies.
  • 31st Bag and clothing found dumped in a carpark, the bag contained lots of mail and workbooks, handed into safe storage.
  • During the day, several drunk males removed from stores around the City.
  • Called to assist with a domestic argument between a couple, both separated and removed from the area.
  • Called to assist with a male who was smoking illegal substances and playing very loud music. The PCSOs were called as this male refused to listen to CPOs.

£ 1,375.50 recovered in stolen goods by CPOs in July 2020

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