
Plans to build 16 affordable homes in Brockworth are up for debate next week.

Tewkesbury Borough councillors will consider the plans by Bondsgate Estates Ltd which include demolishing the buildings at Henley Bank Kennels in Mill Lane.

The scheme includes a mixture of one-bedroom flats and a range of two to four bed homes.

If approved, the properties would be managed by a registered housing provider.

The layout is for ten semi-detached houses and a three storey apartment block which would accommodate six flats.

Brockworth Parish Council has objected due to the overdevelopment of the site, poor layout and design of the properties and the saturation of affordable housing provision in the area.

The council is also concerned about highways safety with the entrance close to the nearby Henley Bank High School and sports facilities.

However, planning officers have recommended approving the scheme as they believe the benefits outweigh the harms.

“The development would contribute towards the supply of affordable housing and help meet the objectively assessed need for housing in the borough in an area where the principle of housing development is considered acceptable,” a council report reads.

“This is of particular relevance given the fact that the council cannot currently demonstrate a deliverable supply of housing and therefore weighs significantly in favour of the application.”

Councillors will consider the proposals at a planning committee meeting on August 17.

By Carmelo Garcia – Local Democracy Reporter

Affordable housing plans in Brockworth up for debate by Shaun Moore | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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