
regen plan

Following a consultation with the residents and businesses of Gloucester, the Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy has been published detailing the City Council’s eight priorities for the next five years.  

The strategy focuses on delivering major regeneration sites, delivering a vibrant city centre, enhancing cultural activity and working towards ensuring local people are best placed to benefit from new jobs.

The document looks to draw partners together to deliver an exciting future for the city. It highlights positive facts about Gloucester, the regeneration ‘journey so far’ and what the future holds for the city.

Clearly outlined in the strategy are the eight key objectives for Gloucester that will be delivered by the council, along with its partners, by 2021. These priorities include:

Delivering major development sites

The five key sites discussed in the strategy are, the Kings Quarter regeneration scheme, the Blackfriars project, Gloucester Quays and Gloucester Docks, the Canal Corridor and the Railway Triangle.

Creating a vibrant city centre

It is a high priority for the city council to secure a ‘Purple Flag’ status for Gloucester, which is an accreditation for managing the night-time economy. In the next five years the city centre will be developed to include an array of new ventures, including innovative housing, hotels, enhanced leisure facilities, car parking and retail space.

Developing small sites

The new strategy acknowledges the importance of smaller sites in Gloucester that need investment and can collectively make a big difference to the city.

Regeneration of local and urban areas

This objective is about giving the people of Gloucester the opportunities to benefit from the city’s growth.

Jobs and growth

Together with its partners, the city council is pledging through the strategy to promote and support businesses in the city, allowing smaller and start-up businesses to grow.

Public spaces in the city

The strategy pledges to improve existing public spaces like Kings Square and provide new ones like Orchard Square at Gloucester Docks and a new public space at Gloucester Cathedral through Project Pilgrim.

Cultural regeneration of the city

This priority recognises the important role culture has to play in the growth and well being of Gloucester and promises to work towards a new cultural events hub for the city.

Work with partners for growth beyond the city boundaries

The strategy acknowledges the knock-on effect a rejuvenated Gloucester will have on neighbouring areas. This priority acknowledges that the city council will work with its partners to accommodate the growth.

Cllr Paul James leader of Gloucester City Council and cabinet member for regeneration and economy, said: “This document has been carefully put together following detailed discussions with investors and after seeking the views of the citizens of Gloucester.

“It sets out our priorities which will lead to the ongoing development and prosperity for the city, through focusing activity and resources into areas which will make a real difference.”

Chairman of the Gloucester Regeneration Advisory Board, The Very Reverend Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester, said: “The Regeneration Advisory Board is delighted to see the publication of this important document.  This is the culmination of a lot of hard work and discussions between partners.

“We have challenged and encouraged what we call the “coalition of the committed to Gloucester” and who all play a key role in delivering this strategy.  It represents the next chapter in the regeneration and ongoing change for our city.”

Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk

Announcement of regeneration and economy strategy for 2016 – 2021 by Kate | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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